About Company

Tanyel Construction & Estate Ltd.

Directör Mesajı

Tanyel Construction & Estate Ltd. derives its power in the market from its nearly 30 years of experience and high quality understanding. Our difference is that we choose to reflect the simple beauty of nature as a whole in our projects, breaking the banality of the commercial mentality without compromising ethical values. We do not integrate nature into our projects, but rather integrate projects according to nature’s own form. At the point we have reached today, our company has produced 385 houses and hosted guests from many foreign countries in its rental houses. We are proud of our dynamic team as we deliver turnkeys to our customers in many of our projects before the promised time. We will continue to reflect the love we feel for our country and culture in all our projects.

In our rental holiday homes, where our cultural structure is preserved, we create enjoyable areas for our guests to spend time with the beauty of nature. With our principles of quality, honesty and reliability, we offer the beauties of this unique culture and nature to our guests from our country and all over the world.

Our Mission & Vision

With our humble stance towards nature, we aim to preserve both the architectural and social closeness of the Mediterranean culture while creating the most basic need of human beings, shelter. We aim to create many more projects with handcrafted and fine workmanship, while protecting nature, which we respect, with quality and sustainable materials.

Our principles that make us who we are; We want to introduce our culture and our country to the world through projects that meticulously reflect the needs of our customers, by establishing dialogues in which sincerity and honesty are at the forefront, outside of the usual hierarchical structures.